waking up to a new day

Terrorists use violence in an attempt to achieve political goals. Their intent is to bring about political change by creating a climate of fear within the society they oppose. The targeting of innocent victims and symbolic locations for a high-profile attack has long been the preferred method of terrorist organizations. As defined by Kids Encyclopedia – Kids Britannica


This morning our girls asked why my husband and I were looking at a photo album.  The album filled with photos from our honeymoon in the Fall of 1999 and pictures of our stay in Paris.  We shared with them the news of events in Paris yesterday, and the acts of terrorism.  Also sharing we were looking to find our pictures to share in solidarity with the people of France.

It was just this past September that we were open in sharing to our now 9 and 7-year-old daughters the history of September 11, 2001.  Up until now it has been a day that we have given thanks to first responders, the people who enter into a situation whether they are fire fighters or police as its their job. We shared more about the history of that day in terms of why we were so thankful for the first responders on that day and what they did that makes us so thankful to the jobs they do each and every day.  It was the first time our girls heard us discuss terrorism in 20th century terms. Both girls know both my husband and I grew up on the East Coast near to New York City.  Like the explanation I shared above from the kids encyclopedia, we shared the history of the day in terms not to scare them, but to have them understand what has happened and if at school they were to hear anything in remembrance of the day it would have been from us they heard it first.

Today we shared again what we know in terminology they would understand from the news, where these attacks took place and that there were lives lost. Again we referred to the kids encyclopedia definition to give them a way to define what happened yesterday in Paris.

We do not share this with our girls to create fear or anxiety.  At their current ages we believe they should have an idea of current events even those that are sad and upsetting. We want them to hear it from us and allow a discussion before they may hear it from others.

Our discussion was thoughtful and through their questions brought about the discussion of 9/11 again.  I believe we are giving them the foundation to understand what can happen in our world today.

Locally we pass on the freeway a hillside in Lafayette filled with crosses that is updated with the number of deaths from our armed forces from the Iraq/Afghan war.  This is something we discuss as we drive past now and again.

So it was this morning that we woke up to a new day in our world that was changed yesterday by the acts of terrorism in France.  It is with solemn hearts we stand with the people of France together as a family.

Day 14, #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer

Thankful to be raising readers

I am so thankful for books and the tales and adventures we enjoy as we read .. I am enjoying hearing Ally read and watching her and Jess’s of books grow… this comes both from school and from our reading every night and day … thankful for the teachers who have touched our lives as they have expanded our girls minds with reading too!

Story books have been part of our girls’ lives since they were babies with night time book time.  As toddlers they had easy access to piles of board books to look through on their own and choose for us to read to them.  This love of books is part of our family life.  I too am an avid reader and am so excited that my girls are sharing this love of books too!


th (4)

 Day 13, #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer



water falling to earth in drops larger than 0.5 mm (0.02 in) that have been condensed from the moisture in the atmosphere

  1. the falling of such drops; shower or rainstorm
    1. rainy weather
    2. seasonal rainfalls; the rainy season: preceded bythe

What is often seen as an inconvenience, we rejoice here in the San Francisco Bay Area with the arrival of rain.


I had hoped our rain would have arrived over the weekend as it’s not as much fun to go out in the rain, to be dressed to stay dry and to be anywhere but home.  Today’s storms didn’t last long or bring a lot of rain,  but we are hopeful that it is just the beginning as our rainy season starts in November.

Day 9 #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer

Life’s moments

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take … but by the moments that take our breath away! unknown

I have the app Timehop on my phone and Facebook now has an “on this day” feature.  Both function as a way for looking back a year or 2, 3 4, or 5.  It is these moments that I see each and every day that remind me of life’s moments that are happening every day!

How fast life has been passing by.  Our girls are getting older each and every day.  Here we are in November already, what are some of the moments from this year already passed?

two happy dogs 1-1-15 (1)

On the first day of 2015 we added a new dog to our family, Friedmann joined us #weloverescuedogs!

easter egg hunt 4-4-15

Our girls enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt in town in April.


We started Mother’s Day in bed snuggled together ❤


We joined friends on a weekend trip to Yosemite and had a blast!

2015 Larkey Sharks Swim Team

Both of our girls joined swim team at the pool club we belong to.  It was a fun summer of swim for all of us!!


Our girls enjoyed another fun Fall soccer season with their Dad coaching each of their teams!


My husband and I celebrated 16 years of marriage in October!

This is all just a snapshot of this past year, it doesn’t include all the daily moments we have together, or the moments in the past that I am now seeing regularly thanks to Timehop and Facebook.

I try to remember to be in the moment each and every day.  It is hard some days to be in the moment as we are rushing to and from school and activities but this post is making remember to appreciate and live in the moment.

Do you have special moments that you can remember and picture?

Day 8 of #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer