A day in a life

Today some of my blogger friends and I will tackle the same topic something we have done before and enjoyed.  This #NaBloPoMo post we’re each writing about the first and last things we do in the morning and at night.

So here goes my perspective:


How does my mornings start? At 2AM when my insomnia hits in full force and I reach for my iPhone on my night table? That happens way to often but I don’t want to consider this routine in my life.  Maybe instead when my husbands’ alarm wakes me and our dogs who snuggle in bed with us. They pop up knowing they’ll be fed before he hits the shower on his way to work.  Me? I roll over hoping for at least another hour of sleep before it’s time to wake.  Occasionally our little one tip toes down the hallway to our room and bed before school.  In most cases on a weekday I try to be up before I need to wake my girls but sometimes it’s only minutes before I must wake them to get ready for school and then we are all running behind. As I make my way to their rooms for their wake-up call I push the button on my keurig to get my coffee started a necessity in the morning. That’s how it goes on a weekday morning.

I’d much rather talk about a weekend morning though.  Yes Saturday, I can hear our girls wake and come out of their rooms but I do not yet need to stir. Now at 9 and 7 years old they happily occupy themselves with arts and crafts and will play quietly together.  Although there is occasion I need to intervene when things go sideways between them.  Then there are some Saturdays our youngest will come into our bed for a snuggle and it’s there we may lie for another hour or so.  I’m not a person that sleeps in but I enjoy the coziness of laying in bed before hopping out to get the day started. My husband will get up before me and get the pot of coffee started.  It is then I truly rouse myself out from under my down comforter ready for what the day has ahead. Depending on the season we could then be up and rushing for breakfast to make it out to a soccer match or swim meet.  The “off-season” is the best for Saturday mornings when there is no real rush to get anywhere and we can linger longer in pjs that morning too!

Home from pick up at school and extra activities, homework to do, and dinner to make.  It is during meal prep I will start to hear groans or yeahs for the meal being prepared as I roll my eyes knowing whatever their complaints they will eat most of what is served. Regardless of time we eat our meal together.  That is the part of the day that I look forward to as we regroup sharing the story of our day in great detail or tidbits depending on our girls’ mood!

Once our girls are tucked into bed these later moments are for conversation not interrupted by children or dogs! My husband and I usually have a continuous dialog from one day to the next about what’s going on or where we need to be on a day.  I can regale stories now from my “work” day as a noon-supervisor at our girls’ elementary school. Then its TV for me my go-to at the end of a day for light entertainment and non-thinking time.

I prefer the evenings in Fall and Winter when the darkness at the end of the day comes early and we are all snug in our home together.

All I can say is our routines for the start and end of the day have changed from our girls as babies to now that they’ve grown some.  I wonder what our routines will be when they are teens and older?

What is your morning and nighttime routine?

Now go visit my friends’ blogs to see their posts, too:

Day 25, #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer

Open Adoption Blog Hop #2

Open Adoption Bloggers have started a new tradition, a Blog Hop where everyone can answer a quick question and then we all comment on each other’s posts.   This blog hop is asking what our favorite quote is. For me that’s an easy one:

“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.”
-Chinese proverb

I’ve always felt in my life that you meet people for a reason, and when I found this quote from a Chinese proverb it became my mantra.

Meeting people is a fairly easy thing to do but taking these new people you meet and adding them to your life is another thing.  I felt this was even more true during our journey to parenthood.  I felt the professionals we met and worked with and the community of people that eventually became our friends were the world telling us that we were all destined to meet.  Our daughter’s birth mothers and family were another form of destiny to me … the way we have blended together as a family confirms to me our destiny.