The February Challenge – 29 days of JOY!



noun \ˈjȯi\
  • : a feeling of great happiness

  • : a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone

  • : success in doing, finding, or getting something

It’s Feb 1 and that means the beginning of sharing JOY as part of the 29 days of February challenge #LiveJoyCreateHope Challenge by Miss Jenny of The Ballet School our home away from home. Today is share the 5 things that give you JOY:
1. My girls who everyday I see their strengths, their smarts and their inner beauty and I smile as I see the joy that we share.
2. My husband who puts up with me and still loves me
3. My friends near and far.
4. My dogs those in our lives now and those who have graced our family in the past.
5. My home I never realized how much a house really becomes a home till we moved to Pleasant HIll and our home has been filled with friends and family since we’ve moved in and our village grows within our home.

I am excited to be participating this month. Feel free to jump in if you have something to share.


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