The time has come …

It’s been quite some time since I have posted on this blog.  Partly because our lives got so busy and partly because I began to wonder if what was going on in our lives was something I could share.  I came to the conclusion that for now our family stuff needs to stay just as family stuff.  I may come back to this as time goes on but for now I am parting ways with this blog.

AND NOW I am going to blog about me so if you care follow my new blog Mama~pausal! Link here Mamapausal This mid-life, menopausal mom, raising girls, the clash of hormones and wills.

Mother’s Day 2016


These girls call me Mom and I love them 💕 and it’s not lost on me that there are two other women who I love and respect for without them I would not be mom and I proudly share this day and the love of our daughters with them!

This year I approached this holiday with mixed feelings.  I have been estranged from my own mother for more than a year now.  It was/is the right decision to not have her as a part of our lives even with her living 3000 miles away.  But there is still a hole of sorts when you see the posts on Facebook thanking mothers for their help in molding who you are as a mom, etc.  It’s not that I had a bad childhood I did have a very happy one, it was my teenage years and subsequently into my adulthood that we could not maintain a positive relationship and in these last years I just couldn’t handle the narcissism, judgment etc. and made the decision to save myself and my family from my stress.

So my day was happy but tinged with sadness for all that Mother’s Day means to me.

How was your Mother’s Day?

Looking back

Today while uploading a video onto YouTube of our oldest dancing to the Christmas music we’re listening to, I was reminded of this video I put together 5 years ago for Adoptive Families magazine of our family’s story. This video has had 6,000 views to date.

Viewing this still warms my heart and makes me tear up ❤

And now 5 years later, I share this with you.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Enjoy!

Day 22, #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer

National Adoption Day


The month of November is National Adoption Month and today, November 21, is National Adoption Day.  The significance of this month and day are not lost on our family as we are a family built through adoption.

It is my family that I am truly thankful for and at this time of year really feel the gratitude of how my family came together.  I know for our girls this is all they know and for us our family grew beyond just adding our two girls.

Because a family doesn’t have to be made from blood, just love, lots of it!

Is your family created through adoption?

Day 21, #NaBloPoMo #BlogHer